Baskit Mens Underwear
Posted on
September 08, 2010
The Simple Truth
If you want plain, white underwear that you can buy in a convenient 5-pack for under $10 /baskit/ is not for you.
At /baskit/ we insist on few simple things in everything we make. Quality. Design. Style.
We strive to provide a hip, comfortable alternative for modern men who want underwear that fits their lifestyles and their bodies. We make gear that is fits well and has a bit of style so it is pleasing to both body and eye. (really. click here and we’ll show you.)
At /baskit/ we always sweat the small stuff. Our fussy designers allow only the highest-quality materials and construction.
We could go on and on about the dual-process top stitching, the 1u00d71 rib on the trim and lots of other details, but you have better stuff to do. let us worry about that. All you need to do is put u2018em on, pull u2018em up and go about your business. We’ll do the rest.
Some people say we’re obsessed. We can live with that.
If you think we’ve failed you or you’ve got something to say… well, we want to hear about it.
Just added new Baskit Ribbed Jockbrief and briefs to the site love this product. I had a sample the other day and I will tell you that the construction is second to none. With cotton prices on the rise some manufactures are skimping and using a alternate fabric but not Baskit it is a full on high quality cotton and the comfort is unbelievable. Just look at some of the items and I think you will agree these are well built.
Baskit Mens Underwear