Weird Underwear News

Posted on September 09, 2011 by iseeyourunderwear

If you hear a weird underwear news story send use your version and we will add it to this Blog.

3,000 pairs of underwear found near U.S. highway, police were stunned and probably shocked to find thousands of pairs of panties new and some used scattered alongside a highway in Fairfield County, Ohio. Now that would be something to see.

Men showing underwear voted ’worst fashion disaster of decade’ now if find this weird I would have thought sock and sandals, or shorts and hockey socks or even tight pants and wifebeater would have made top of the list but showing off your favourite underwear how weird is that. According to a new nationwide poll coducted by a US magazine found that 23% of those who took part in the poll think visible underwear is a fashion faux pas for males. Now this poll may not have included the younger teens.

Dickie Bird statue a target for underwear jokers, Former test cricket umpire Dickie Bird is not impressed, can you believe it that people will leave dickie their underwear, panties and even bras. But some people are not amused and even have a facebook page to get rid of Dickie Bird’s statue.

Man smuggles Snakes in Underwear Okay, I did not make this up but a Brazilian man was detained at the Miami Airport for attempting to smuggle 7 baby pythons and 3 baby tortoise in his underwear and pockets. The 30 year old man was questioned by Transportation Security Administration (TSA) officers, who apparently noticed bulging in the underwear region. Asked by TSA officers if he had anything hidden in his pant he denied but with a body scanner he was found with snakes in his underwear. (Hope the snakes didn’t try nursing the trouser snake!) He was fined $400.00 and ordered deported. Note all of the creatures are protected under the CITES convention that restricts trade in animal species without special permits. Judge orders that the fine should go to Miami Science Museum to help protect reptile species.

And on to another weird underwear story an Italian man takes pouch underwear to a whole new level by trying to smuggle 10,000 pounds cash in his underwear. But the alert Officers from the UK Border Agency at Belfast International Airport noticed the money wad in his underwear. Let this be a lesson to all of us, if you a packing a big package in your underwear you are going to be noticed.

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